Thursday, July 28, 2016

Carrot Wine, first tasting.

Last Thanksgiving I quickly made a carrot wine from the leftover water used to boil carrots for our Carrot Casserole. Vegetable wines are a mystery to me and I wanted to try making something different. I realized that wine could be made from this liquid having made parsnip wine in the same manner and thank goodness I did.

Last night I opened a bottle of my carrot wine and had a sample or two or three. It was delicious! I guess I don't have a good taste memory, because at the time of bottling, I'm sure I sampled some. It's a white wine, light, lemon color and very clear. The taste is similar to a Chardonnay, not at all like carrots, with good structure too. A bit on the sweet side, but not overly so.

I usually don't equate country wines with grape wines like Chardonnay. They are totally different beasts. Wine grapes contain all the necessary ingredients needed to make wine. The perfect package, each grape contains juice, acid, yeast and sugar. Carrots do contain sugar, but lack the other necessary components.

I'm going to make this one again and urge you to do so if you have the chance. I only made a gallon, (5 bottles) and I am sure to share some with friends. Carrots are sweet and savory and I think this wine has a good bit of both. Cheers.

I'll be sure to post the recipe so you can make some too.

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