Thursday, August 4, 2016

Peach Wine

I love peach wine. The last batch of peach wine I made was one of my favorites. Really good peach wine must be made with the ripest, juiciest fruit. Canned peaches? Don't bother.

My neighbors have a peach tree in their yard. I have to admit that their fruit looks spectacular this year. I'd love nothing better than to raid that tree and make a batch of wine. Even the squirrels are raiding the tree. I see them daily running back to my yard with a large peach in their mouth, savoring the sweet flavor. Half eaten peaches strewn all over like forgotten nuts.

Watching the squirrels raiding the tree has given me the urge to make another batch of Peach Wine. I will have to purchase my peaches, which is okay. I've been sampling peaches from my local grocer to test the quality. I'll do my best to find some really good fruit and hope for the best. In the end, that's all I can do. My plan is to buy enough fruit to make 3-gallons. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Thanksgiving Carrot Wine Recipe

Thanksgiving Carrot Wine 2015

November 26th, 2015

5-lbs. Carrots
3-tsp. Acid Blend
1-Gallon Water
1-tsp. Yeast Nutrient
1/4 tsp. tannin
1-Campden Tablet
1/2 tsp. Pectic Enzyme
1 package Wine Yeast

Simmer carrots till tender and remove for another use (like making carrot casserole). To the water add sugar and disolve. Add liquid to primary fermenter and cool. When cooled, add the juices, acid blend, yeast nutrient, tannin and campden tablet. Top up to one gallon. 12 hours after the campden tablet add pectic enzyme. Twenty four hours after the Pectic enzyme add the yeast and begin fermentation.

The color of the must is like orange juice, a light orange color. It reminds me of the morning sun at breakfast time. This wine was a spur of the moment experiment. I didn't plan to make this. I looked at the water as the carrots were simmering in it and realized that this is exactly how I would make carrot wine. So why not add sugar, some lemon and orange juice and see what happens?
How often do you get the chance to boil five pounds of carrots? We just happened to be making our carrot casserole for thanksgiving dinner and the amounts were just right.

Rack after one week, four weeks, three months, then stabilize and bottle. Keep for at least six months before sampling. Flavor will improve in the bottle for at least a year.